
FERHRI structure

FERHRI consists of 6 scientific departments:

  • Department of Mathematical Automation of Measurements
  • Department of Long-term Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies
  • Department of Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones
  • Department of Oceanography and Marine Ecology
  • Department of Engineering Oceanology and Ecological Designing
  • Regional Oceanographic Data Center

FERHRI also includes two subsidiary scientific departments:

  • Department of Scientific and Technical Information;
  • Department of Commerce.

FERHRI exercises operational control over 5 research vessels (4 vessels with unlimited navigation areas and 1 small vessel). FERHRI research vessels carry our scientific expeditions and organize commercial trips. 

The second activity appeared when institute financing was held without considering expeditionary works and maintenance of research vessels at their moorings. As a rule, the plan of expeditionary works is made on the basis of preliminary agreement between the Russian and foreign partners in shares.

Department of Mathematical Automation of Measurements is responsible for collection and generalization of meteorological data and its analysis. It carries out fundamental works in the field of synoptical meteorology and performs the following activities:

  • compilation and publications of atlases, catalogues and specialized proceedings;
  • investigations of different-scale atmospheric processes;
  • development of new weather forecasting methods for periods from several hours to three days;
  • investigations of atmospheric processes or their elements with the help of laboratory methods.

Department of Long-term Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies works out and develops techniques of forecasting hydrometeorological elements for various periods of time for Siberia, Far East and the Pacific ocean. It also distributes some kinds of operative long-term forecasts of water temperature in the northwestern Pacific and air temperature and precipitation in the Russian Far East. 

Department of Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones is responsible for collection and generalization of hydrometeorological data on tropical zone of the Pacific and Indian oceans and its analysis for better understanding the interaction between the typhoon structure and atmosphere and ocean. It carries out operative forecasts of typhoon formation, development and movement and provides consultations to the Far Eastern offices of hydrometeorological service. Department can also organize marine expeditions in the Pacific and Indian oceans in order to verify and specify any hypotheses on atmosphere structure and evolution. 

Department of Oceanography and Marine Ecology carries out scientific researches in the following main directions:

  • monitoring of atmosphere pollution in background regions of Primorsky krai and the Pacific ocean;
  • geochemical monitoring of the Pacific ocean and adjacent seas;
  • biological monitoring of independent areas of the Pacific.

On a contractual basis Department carries out hydrobiological and hydrochemical investigations, observations over chemical pollution in sea water and bottom sediments in the Pacific ocean and adjacent seas, as well as:

  • experimental investigations of the hydrometeorological regime of the sea;
  • scientific investigations of the heat, hydrodynamic and hydrochemical water state and its variability in different spatial-temporal conditions;
  • working out manuals, atlases, charts and recommendations on various characteristics of hydrometeorological parameters;
  • analysis of the average state and intra- and interannual course of hydrometeorological processes;
  • working out forecasting methods of temperature conditions in surface water for average period of time (decade, month, season).

Department of Engineering Oceanology and Ecological Designing carries out research and development works in the following directions:

  • providing methodical help and consultations to the far Eastern offices of hydrometeorological service in the field of tsunami regional planning, modelling of sea circulation and pollutants transport, as well as testing and introducing calculating methods and software programs;
  • investigation and development of new methods calculating hydrophysical ocean fields and atmosphere physical state, preparation and implementation of laboratory, testing and expeditionary works in order to verify and specify techniques and recommendations developed, as well, as working out models, methods and automated computer techniques for assistance in works on shelf;
  • carrying out independent investigations and designing works , as well as joint investigations and works on a contractual basis;
  • implementation or participation in making and fulfilling plans of the tests and introduction of the finished research and design works;
  • participation in international projects and scientific programs on hydrometeorology and ecology, including projects on the development of oil-gas fields on the northeastern shelf of Sakhalin Island.

Regional Oceanographic Data Center was created in order to increase the efficiency of collection, accumulation, account, classification and use of oceanographic data, as well as supply the State Hydrometeorological data Band and the State Data Band with information on the environmental pollution in the Far Eastern seas. It includes the following functions:

  • assessment of the far East oceanographic exploration and preparation and distribution of oceanographic data and information output;
  • conducting works on assessment and comparison of oceanographic data coming into the center;
  • increasing efficiency of collection and quality of the operative oceanographic information;
  • creating and developing methods of data quality control and data processing and presenting information output;
  • establishing scientific and business contacts with Russian and foreign organizations in order to carry out contractual works and exchange oceanographic data and techniques of their use and scientific and technical outputs.
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